Tools to guide
and personalize

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3 tools in 4 formats

60+ languages

Available for anyone, anywhere

Tools for disciple-maker + disciple

3 tools in 4 formats

60+ languages

Available for anyone, anywhere

Tools for disciple-maker + disciple

Tools for every stage of faith:

Digital versions of the tools are available at no cost. They are entirely donor-funded.

Discover foundational principles of the Christian faith.

  • One-to-one personalized approach
  • 12 sessions
  • Complete in 3-6 months
  • Designed to ramp into Xchange
  • Translated into 20+ languages
  • Available in 4 formats: mobile app, web app, PDF workbooks, and printed workbooks

Experience deep life change through one-to-one disciple-making.

  • One-to-one personalized approach
  • 4 modules with 24 sessions
  • Complete in 15 months
  • Generates a new disciple-maker
  • Translated into 20+ languages
  • Available in 4 formats: mobile app, web app, PDF workbooks, and printed workbooks

Deepen your faith by exploring new spiritual practices.

  • Use as a companion to NEXT and XCHANGE, or as a stand-alone tool
  • Toolbox of creative approaches to prayer, Bible reading, spiritual conversations, and more
  • Translated into 10+ languages
  • Available in 2 formats: mobile app, web app

Use the SmallCircle app to access tools on-demand around the world.

Personalize and deepen your disciple-making experience by downloading the donor-funded SmallCircle app today for no cost. Interact with your disciple-making partner between meetings, share notes, and have all progress measured for everyone in your organization or church everyone progresses in the journey together.

Interact with your disciple-making partner between meetings.

Customize and track your disciple-making journey.

Measure progress within your own network.

Get a family tree of all your disciple-making journeys.

Use the donor-funded SmallCircle app to access the tools on-demad around the world.

Personalize and deepen your disciple-making experience by downloading the donor-funded SmallCircle app today for no cost. Interact with your disciple-making partner between meetings, share notes, and have all progress measured for everyone in your organization or church everyone progresses in the journey together.

Use the donor-funded SmallCircle app to access the tools on-demad around the world.

Personalize and deepen your disciple-making experience by downloading the donor-funded SmallCircle app today for no cost. Interact with your disciple-making partner between meetings, share notes, and have all progress measured for everyone in your organization or church everyone progresses in the journey together.

Interact with your disciple-making partner between meetings.

Customize and track your disciple-making journey.

Measure progress within your own network.

Get a family tree of all your disciple-making journeys.

Interact with your disciple-making partner between meetings.

Customize and track your disciple-making journey.

Measure progress within your own network.

Get a family tree of all your disciple-making journeys.

Through one-to-one disciple-making, people are discovering something different.

Josh Teis, Nevada USA
Lead Pastor at Southern Hills Church

Our local church looks completely different than we did before we started using SmallCircle. Our culture has been completely transformed by engaging these tools for one-to-one disciple-making.”

Anni Chernicova, Ukraine
Director of Discipleship at Morning Star Church

SmallCircle helps not to lose the sight of the cross in the midst of the war and suffering.”

Gustavo Campusano, Dominican Republic
LoveServes Coach

SmallCircle is not just changing our churches, it is changing our country. We have over 200 churches using SmallCircle.”

Erica McNair, Texas USA
Discipleship Pastor at Cornerstone Church

Small Circle was the missing piece we needed to elevate our discipleship process and develop mature disciple-makers all over the globe!”

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Want to know more about using SmallCircle?

SmallCircle provides donor-funded online training courses that walk you step-by-step through using the tools. We also provide in-person trainings around the world to equip leaders to train others in one-to-one disciple-making.

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Sign Up for Online Training
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people using SmallCircle
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Eastern Europe
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Central America & The Caribbean
people using SmallCircle
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South America
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people using SmallCircle
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Central Asia
people using SmallCircle
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people using SmallCircle
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East Asia & The Pacific
people using SmallCircle
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Sub-Saharan Africa
people using SmallCircle
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people using SmallCircle
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Eastern Europe
people using SmallCircle
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Central America & The Caribbean
people using SmallCircle
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people using SmallCircle
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South America
people using SmallCircle
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people using SmallCircle
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Middle East & North Africa
people using SmallCircle
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Central Asia
people using SmallCircle
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people using SmallCircle
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East Asia & The Pacific
people using SmallCircle
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Sub-Saharan Africa
people using SmallCircle
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people using SmallCircle
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Eastern Europe
people using SmallCircle
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Central America & The Caribbean
people using SmallCircle
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South Asia
people using SmallCircle
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South America
people using SmallCircle
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Western Europe
people using SmallCircle
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Middle East & North Africa
people using SmallCircle
SmallCircle trainer speaking to audience in-person

Join the global network multiplying difference in the making.

Across the world, SmallCircle supports and equips church, ministry, and denominational leaders to catalyze movements of one-to-one disciple-making in their own communities and regions.

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Meet the Global Network
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James Roy,
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Eastern Europe
Alexandr Parfenk,
Regional Director
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Latin America
Julio Machado,
Regional Director
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Alain Irankunda,
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James Roy, Director
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Eastern Europe
Alexandr Parfenk, Regional Director
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Latin America
Julio Machado, Regional Director
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Alain Irankunda, Director
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James Roy, Director
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Eastern Europe
Alexandr Parfenk, Regional Director
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Latin America
Julio Machado, Regional Director
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Alain Irankunda, Director

Contact Us.

You can be a part of something different—in your own life, the life of those around you, and around the world.

We look forward to hearing from you.

SmallCircle Inc.
PO Box 52144
Sarasota, FL 34232

Please let us know if you have any further questions regarding mailing checks.

Please tell us about your church/ministry, where you are located, approximately how many people from your church or neighboring churches might be attending, and when you would like to host a training.

Please tell us which language and which country/region you would like to use our translated resources in. Please also include approximately how many people are interested in using our tools if we had a translation in that language.

Select one or multiple platforms.

Please let us know if there is any additional information we should be aware of.

Great news! The long-awaited new version of the SC disciple-making app has been launched!

There are many new features that we are sure will enhance your experience in disciple-making. As with any new app update, it’s common to have a bug or two. Some people are experiencing what appears to be the absence of the previous worksheet shared notes prior to the app update. We are working with our developer on this, and the good news is that they have let us know that your content has not been lost. Another bit of good news is that you can move forward with any new notes. All notes that you are now creating will be seen between the disciple and disciple-maker moving forward, if both are using the 4.0 version of the app.

If you are unable to see the Shared Notes in the Worksheet section of Xchange, please provide us with the following (we need all of this):

Disciplemaker :
Disciple :
A brief description of what is not being seen by whom.

Thank you! Your submission has been received.

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