Frequently Asked Questions

The SmallCircle Approach

How is the SmallCircle approach unique from other approaches to discipleship?

What is the learning approach used in the SmallCircle materials?

The SmallCircle App

How do I connect with my disciple or disciple-maker in the app?

I‘m unable to finish creating a profile in the app because it is not letting me select which Bible version I want to choose. How can I troubleshoot this?

How do you track the progress of the disciple-making pairs?

How do I reset my progress in the app when I start disicpling a new disciple?

I’ve changed churches, how do I update the church affiliate code in my app?

SmallCircle in Your Church

What’s the best way to launch SmallCircle in my church?

Do we need a point person to implement the SmallCircle approach within our local church?

What is the success rate of disciples becoming disciple-makers at your local church?

Finding a Disciple & Disciple-maker Pair

How does an individual find a disciple?

How do I know if I’m ready to be a disciple-maker?

Can I disicple my boyfriend/girlfriend, spouse, child, teenager?

Can we both be disciple-makers?

What if the potential disciple-maker doesn’t qualify?

How does an individual find a disciple-maker?

Can I disciple someone from another church?

How do you pair disciple-makers and disciples?

Would the SmallCircle tools work in a small group setting?

Disciple & Disciple-maker Meetings

How long does a typical session last when a disciple-maker and disciple meet?

How often does a disciple-maker and disciple meet?

Do we need to prepare before each session, and if so, how do we do that?

What happens if I don’t have the answers to my disciples questions?

What does a typical session look like when a disciple-maker and disciple meet?

How much time does it take to work through the materials between sessions?

Xchange Modules

What happens after a pair completes Xchange?

How much does it cost?

What is the typical length of time it takes to complete Xchange?

What age are the SmallCircle tools written for?

Contact Us.

You can be a part of something different—in your own life, the life of those around you, and around the world.

We look forward to hearing from you.

SmallCircle Inc.
PO Box 52144
Sarasota, FL 34232

Please let us know if you have any further questions regarding mailing checks.

Please tell us about your church/ministry, where you are located, approximately how many people from your church or neighboring churches might be attending, and when you would like to host a training.

Please tell us which language and which country/region you would like to use our translated resources in. Please also include approximately how many people are interested in using our tools if we had a translation in that language.

Select one or multiple platforms.

Please let us know if there is any additional information we should be aware of.

Great news! The long-awaited new version of the SC disciple-making app has been launched!

There are many new features that we are sure will enhance your experience in disciple-making. As with any new app update, it’s common to have a bug or two. Some people are experiencing what appears to be the absence of the previous worksheet shared notes prior to the app update. We are working with our developer on this, and the good news is that they have let us know that your content has not been lost. Another bit of good news is that you can move forward with any new notes. All notes that you are now creating will be seen between the disciple and disciple-maker moving forward, if both are using the 4.0 version of the app.

If you are unable to see the Shared Notes in the Worksheet section of Xchange, please provide us with the following (we need all of this):

Disciplemaker :
Disciple :
A brief description of what is not being seen by whom.

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